Wireframe Solid Hull

An explanation of fields and properties

Wireframe Solid Hull

To access this dialog:

    • Activate the Solids ribbon and select Operations | Boolean | Solid Hull

The Solid Hull dialog is used to generate the outer surface of overlapping solid wireframes. This performs the equivalent of a series of wireframe-union operations on pairs of wireframes until all the outer surfaces are combined into a single solid shape. Resolves any overlaps in the selected wireframe.

  • More than one wireframe surface must be present in the selected wireframe object, or selected triangle data, for this command to be used. All surfaces will be combined into a single 3D hull object.

This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Field Details:

The following fields are available:

Object: select either a wireframe object in memory you wish to hull, or Selected triangles to create a hull based on only the selected data. You can select wireframe triangle data whilst the Solid Hull dialog is open if you wish.

Output Wireframe: you can either output wireframe data in the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

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